Which Refinancing Option is Right for You?

To discuss your benefits and options, please call us at (512) 537-8000

Lowering Your Payments

If your main reason for refinancing is to lower your monthly payments, and if you expect to stay in your house for at least five years, a fixed-rate mortgage makes sense. Otherwise, you might want to consider an adjustable rate mortgage.

Refinancing to Cash Out

If you are planning to cash out some of your equity in your refinance, then you need a loan higher than the balance remaining of your existing mortgage. If not, then you can accomplish your goals without making your mortgage payments higher.

Consolidating Debt

If you have a mortgage with a high interest rate, refinancing can let you lower your monthly payments and also let you pay off other debts.

Building up Equity Faster

If you want to pay off your mortgage sooner, then you might want a shorter term, or lower monthly payments so you can build equity faster. If not, then you may not need a shorter term and can simply refinance at the same rate.

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